Lerian-Nti Languages NV/SA – Bryssel, Belgien – Lokalt företag


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BSearch Information about : Lerian Nti Languages - Rue De La Loi 26 1040 Etterbeek - Cross culture opleidingen, Taalopleidingen, vertaaldiensten en tolken, taal opleidingen in Belgium Lerian-NTI Languages, Brussels, Belgium. 458 likes · 1 talking about this · 60 were here. www.lerian-nti.be Language training courses, Online languages Lerian-Nti Languages offers language courses for individuals as well as companies. Courses can either be followed in groups or individually.

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Lerian-NTI Languages - 37 Photos - Language School - Bischoffsheimlaan 1-8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Overview of the new online learning environment of Lerian-Nti Lerian-Nti Languages offers language courses for individuals as well as companies. Courses can either be followed in groups or individually. The institution can provide courses in more than 10 languages. Type one or more keywords you would like to search on: BSearch Information about : Lerian Nti Languages - Rue De La Loi 26 1040 Etterbeek - Cross culture opleidingen, Taalopleidingen, vertaaldiensten en tolken, taal opleidingen in Belgium Lerian-Nti Languages offers language courses for individuals as well as companies. Courses can either be followed in groups or individually. The institution can provide courses in more than 10 languages.

Hitachi, Bryssel — TextMap

Naast taal- en communicatieopleidingen op maat is Lerian-Nti ook actief het ontwikkelen van e-learning, Blended Learning, taaltesten en vertalingen. Kortom alles wat met taal te maken heeft. Lerian Now you're talking La connaissance des langues est essentielle dans le monde des entreprises. Dans bon nombre d'entre elles ainsi qu'au sein d'institutions, il est impératif pour les collaborateurs de pouvoir communiquer efficacement dans une langue étrangère, tant oralement que par écrit.

Hitachi, Bryssel — TextMap

So, it is possible to install a link that automatically refers the prospective job applicants to the language test website of Lerian-Nti. Name: URL: Language: Contents: Le point du FLE: http://www.lepointdufle.net: FR: French language resources: Taaltelefoon: http://taaltelefoon.vlaanderen.be: NL Now imagine that you have to consider only the job candidates whose language knowledge fits the job description almost perfectly. A luxury: but now within reach. We offer oral language proficiency tests, online tests and BULATS language tests which can help you assess the language skills of your future and current employees quickly, objectively and accurately . Al meer dan 18 jaar staat Lerian-Nti voor kwalitatief hoogstaande taalopleidingen op maat. In deze opleidingen wordt telkens gewerkt rond professionele vaardigheden en rond communicatie. Naast taal- en communicatieopleidingen op maat is Lerian-Nti ook actief het ontwikkelen van e-learning, Blended Learning, taaltesten en vertalingen.

Lerian-NTI Languages, Brussels, Belgium. 458 likes · 1 talking about this · 60 were here. www.lerian-nti.be Language training courses, Online languages Also e-learning, language courses for children, business and social language tuition, spoken and written communication. At Rue de la Charite 15, 1210 Brussels.
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Lerian-nti languages nv

Education  Operationeel Manager Vertalingen, Lerian-NTI Languages nv. Vertaler Engels ( native speaker), Business Translation Services B.V. (BTS). Vertaler/revisor  ACCENT JOBS FOR PEOPLE NV. Learning & Development ACCENT LANGUAGES SPRL. Learning LERIAN-NTI LANGUAGES NV. Learning &  Lerian-Nti Languages Al meer dan 20 jaar helpt Lerian-Nti deze behoefte in te vullen door een waaier aan kwaliteitsvolle taaldiensten aan te bieden die  24 maart 2021 32, 500033, A, 420942881, Willemot NV, Coupure 228, 9000, Gent 74, 500083 , A, B, 874586147, Lerian-NTI Languages NV, Wetstraat 26/  (Impact NV). 100883.

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Lerian-Nti Languages NV/SA – Bryssel, Belgien – Lokalt företag

Lerian-Nti organizes oral language tests over the phone, or on site when we can come to your office or test your future employees at Lerian-Nti language centres. The option is yours. For more information click here. Contact us Call +32 2 217 37 47 Or mail info@lerian-nti.be Contact us. See 1 photo and 1 tip from 35 visitors to Lerian-Nti Languages. "all the languages you would like to learn" Office in Brussel, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest UPDATE July 15, 2020: We have updated our Privacy … Al meer dan 18 jaar staat Lerian-Nti voor kwalitatief hoogstaande taalopleidingen op maat. In deze opleidingen wordt telkens gewerkt rond professionele vaardigheden en rond communicatie.